1450 Search results

For the term "Ginny".

Ron is NOT an Idiot

by Berylla Chubb After I first read the Harry Potter books, I joined the online community (mainly here at MuggleNet) and I have never stopped being amazed. The wealth of inspiration that J.K. Rowling has created...

The Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

The Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

by Lady Lupin From the very beginning of the Harry Potter series, JK Rowling has set up a connection to Egypt, and that connection has been occasionally reinforced in subtle ways throughout the books....

Teenage Severus Snape

Did Snape Really Have a Life-Debt to James?

by Carol Grizzard (Shewoman) (All citations are from the U.S. hardback editions except for Chamber and Prisoner, which are from the U.S. paperbacks.) At the end of Philosopher’’s/Sorcerer’’s Stone, Dumbledore explains to Harry why Snape protected him that...

Two for One

Two for One

by Lady Lupin The owls are flying. If I had a fireplace, I am certain that the letters would be soaring down the chimney, even as I write. My inbox is flooded and most...

Telling Stories

by Tom Morey I am not personally acquainted with anyone who has never told a lie. When asked to write on the subject “My First Lie, and How I Got Out of It”, Mark...

Harry Potter and the Red Herring Horcruxes

by Cady McKinnon Today, our journey starts in a compartment aboard the Speculation Express. We will be traversing across the Thickets of Wildest Guesswork, finally arriving in Illumination City. The goal with this journey...