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For the term "Ginny".

The North Tower #31: Fanfiction and Shipping

Hi everybody and welcome back to the North Tower. Today’s article will be a bit different from what I’ve done before. I wanted to discuss and analyse the concept of fanfiction with regards both to Harry Potter and to literary genres in general—concentrating on romance fanfiction writing and how it goes together with the whole shipping-phenomenon. It’s thus more about the relationship readers-HP-literature than it’s about HP-analysis in the more traditional sense.

Harry Potter and Leadership

by Emily Taylor The other day one of my professors presented to the class an interesting list of quotes by Charles H. Malik. The purpose of this presentation was to inspire within each of...

All in the Family

by Cindel The world of Harry Potter is filled with ancestry and alliance, clique and clan, blood and brethren. Once we have met a character in the first book, we can be almost certain...

The North Tower #29: The Future Gryffindor Quidditch Team

Hi everybody! Today, I thought I’d write an article based on one specific question/answer in the World Book Day chat with JKR. The question/answer that interested me was:

“Q: Will Ron ever make it on the Gryffindor Quidditch team?
A: He’s already on the team, the question is just whether the new captain will let him stay…”