2109 Search results

For the term "Gryffindor".

Frustrated Gryffindor

Dear Professor Snape,

I admire your loyalty and efforts as a professor and spy. i have a question about my lazy teacher: What do I do if a teacher is being lazy and won’t help or answer any of my questions? What if they are only teaching because its their job? Who can I go to for help?

Courageous Gryffindor

Dear Professor McGonagall,

I was wondering whether the Sorting Hat can ever be wrong. Like, if a true Gryffindor liked the sound of Hufflepuff, and asked the Sorting Hat to put them in Hufflepuff, and it did, would that particular student fail in certain subjects that Hufflepuff’s usually thrive in? Could this or has this ever happened?

Gryffindor Alumnus

Dear Ronald Weasley,

My family’s biannual reunion is approaching and I am dreading it. You grew up in a large family with quite a few interesting characters, how can I keep myself from murdering mine?

Studious Gryffindor Student

Dear Hermione,

I was sorted into Gryffindor not too long ago, and I’ve been made fun of by my fellow housemates for my study habits. I tend to answer every question asked in class and spend most of my time in the library. Although my marks are stellar, I’m feeling quite dejected and intellectually isolated. Snickers follow me in every class. I feel as though my peers don’t understand me at all. What should I do?

Grieving Gryffindor

Dear Professor Snape,

When I was only a first year I regretfully had my first love on a boy a couple years older than me. I am now heading into my seventh year and I still like this boy. Unfortunately I have recently learned that there is no way he could ever love me considering his sexuality. I know you can sympathize with me considering your past love didn’t work out. (sorry) How can I get over him?

Excited Gryffindor

Dear Professor McGonagall,

I have a few questions for you,

How is a muggle selected to be a student at Hogwarts? Did you go to Hogwarts when you were younger? Now that you are headmistress who is head of Grifendor? In Harry’s fifth year you said you would help Harry become a Aour, did you really? Now I have some good comments about you, you have been my favorite Professor. I love how you give Harry discipline and you were one of his biggest supporter! I’m so excited that I can actually send a letter to you!

Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw

Dear Professor Sprout,

I’ve been asked into Hogsmeade by two boys. One is a strong, handsome Gryffindor, the other a witty and intelligent Ravenclaw. I like them both, so who should I choose?