981 Search results

For the term "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone".

Divination Quiz

by Ben V.T. Editor’s Note: This isn’t the typical editorial, but we thought it’d be fun to test your “Divination” skills with this quiz. Here are 101 chances to “Unfog the Future.” Good Luck!...

Blood — Not Horcruxes

by Robert Ogden We readers have all but decided that Harry must set off and destroy the rest of Voldemort’s Horcruxes in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. This has presented all sorts of problems,...

Dumbledore’s Master Plan: Part 4

by Steve Connolly Welcome, fellow Potter enthusiasts, to the fourth installment of my seven-part editorial series. When we last left our half-moon-bespectacled hero, he had made it through the first of three consecutive years...

Dumbledore’s Master Plan: Part 3

Greetings Potter fans, and welcome to the third installment in my seven-part analysis of the great Albus Dumbledore. In our last episode, everyone’’s favorite headmaster successfully deterred the Dark Lord’’s first attempt to return...

Severus Snape: A Portrait in Subtlety

by D.W. Hill (pentawork@epix.net) Copyright 2005, revised for MuggleNet 2007 Murdering a Friend: Rowling lays the groundwork for considering it a real option. Ever since finishing my first read of HBP in July 2005,...