379 Search results

For the term "Marauders".

Away on Their Brooms

We all know that Fred and George Weasley seem in some ways to rule the school. Sing along with this parody celebrating our favorite chaotic duo.

Marauder Charm

Dear Proffessor Flitwick,

I was wondering whether you ever got the chance to teach the Marauders? (Sirius, James, Remus and Peter) if so, who would you say was the most accomplished at charms?

Kindest regards,

Willow L.

“LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7”

The crew over at TT Games brings a touch to the Harry Potter series that previously hadn’t been seen on gaming consoles. While Electronic Arts has created a corporate carbon copy of the movie adaptations, it is evident that you have true Potter fans behind the scenes of LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7.

Dealing with Differences

Dear Professor Lupin,

How can I deal with being different than everyone else? They judge me and mock me. It hurts.

What should I do?

Future Mischief Maker

Dear Peeves

My question to you is which trouble makers were ur favorite ? Marauders or Twins?

Sirius and Lupin and Queer Readership

Although I long ago gave up reading and writing HP fanfiction, I ‘shipped’ the characters of Professor Lupin and Sirius Black for a decade of my life. I thought it was canon. Now that Rowling herself has denied it, I want to talk about why I am grieving the story I thought I knew.

Inquisitive Badger

Dear Professor Snape,

Did you ever attempt the Animagus transformation while you were at Hogwarts? You certainly have the magical power, capability and intelligence to accomplish it, and it would have been a great way to learn more about what the detestable Marauders were up to.

If you did, what did you become?

Thank you for your time.