379 Search results

For the term "Marauders".
Teenage Severus Snape

Did Snape Really Have a Life-Debt to James?

by Carol Grizzard (Shewoman) (All citations are from the U.S. hardback editions except for Chamber and Prisoner, which are from the U.S. paperbacks.) At the end of Philosopher’’s/Sorcerer’’s Stone, Dumbledore explains to Harry why Snape protected him that...

The Magic Quill #99: Who’s Who

The Magic Quill #99: Who’s Who

Now that “Season Two” of the Magic Quill is in the can (or rather, the Archive), it behooves us to take stock of where our cast of characters has been, and what they have done. The quiz at the end is for you to enjoy and discuss on the Forums; answers will be revealed next week.

Two for One

Two for One

by Lady Lupin The owls are flying. If I had a fireplace, I am certain that the letters would be soaring down the chimney, even as I write. My inbox is flooded and most...

The Liberating Power of Harry’s Blood

by Donna G. Ramos (aka The Black Adder) Ever since Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter fans have tried to explain why there was a “fleeting gleam of something like triumph in Dumbledore’’s eyes” when the...

Dumbledore’s Ironclad Reason

by Scott Andrew Walker After reading the greatly renewed discussion on Snape brought about by the essay Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Antagonist, written by the lovely and talented (and not to mention, my wife)...

The Hated Marauder

by Emmasj Since a few hours after the release of Half-Blood Prince, everyone has been asking questions. Let’’s face it, HBP presented more questions than answers. The main two questions concern loyalty: Snape, Dumbledore’’s man...

The U-Bend #38: Quidditch Withdrawals

by Andrew Lee and Robert Lanto “Long may the game continue to evolve and long may future generations of witches and wizards enjoy this most glorious of sports!” -Kennilworthy Whisp (Quidditch Through The Ages)...