379 Search results

For the term "Marauders".

The North Tower #40: HBP Predictions

The long wait is almost over, and I thought I’d devote these last few days before we all shut ourselves away from the world with giddy laughs and big bags of candy by our side, new book reverently in hand, to recap the stuff I’ve written so far, including the predictions I’ve already made and to predict what I think will happen in Book 6. In other words, this is a great article to save and use to make fun of me later on :-).

Sorting Out DADA

by Reebus We all love analyzing (and overanalyzing) the Harry Potter books. One of our favorite topics is the ever-changing Defense Against the Dark Arts position: determining the DADA professors’ importance to the plot; using them...

The Phoenix Files #12: Peter Pettigrew

We know that Peter Pettigrew hung out with Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and James Potter at Hogwarts. He is one of the authors of the Marauders Map, and from “Snape’s Worst Memory” in Book Five and McGonagall in Book Three, we know he idolized James. Are we positive Peter was in Gryffindor?

Not Such a Nice Guy After All

by Tabari Albus Dumbledore is the leader of the forces of light, the wise and beloved Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and a powerful wizard responsible for the defeat of the...