379 Search results

For the term "Marauders".

Ron and Hermione: The Potters Revisited?

by darkBlue It is a commonly explored topic that Harry looks exactly like James and has Lily’’s eyes. In fact, on the Scholastic.com Wizard’s Challenge one question specifically asks what Harry inherited from his parents. Having...

Snape’s Worst Memory…or Not

by Sarah Mohipp Did the memory Harry watched in Dumbledore’s Pensieve truly belong to Professor Snape? I think there is room for doubt. Because Harry saw Snape putting thoughts into the Pensieve, he made...

Close-up on the spines of Harry Potter books

The Two-Way Mirror #10: The Triwizard Tasks and the Seven Books

Seven tunnels of tasks, like seven books of tasks. In “Goblet”, we actually have a network of tunnels, the square maze, so much like a chessboard of tasks. And we have the two grand tournaments (like the two matrix groups of elements): one tournament is Quidditch (in which the players seem to be the most important part); the other is the Triwizard Tournament (here, the tasks are important).

Suicide by Werewolf?

by Theresa Faustina Since the Prisoner of Azkaban’’s description of the Whomping Willow Incident, most readers probably imagined that Snape learned of Lupin’’s lycanthropy on that night, right as James saved his life from the...

The Plot Mirror

by Jenna We have all gotten used to the idea of the fourth book as a turning point – but what if it is more than that? What if it serves as some kind...