379 Search results

For the term "Marauders".

Peter, James and (Remus) John

by Isla Kennedy When JK Rowling gave her webchat at the start of last month, she gave me a lot of food for thought. For example, who will the next Minister for Magic be? However, one...

The North Tower #21: Who Is You-Know-Who?

One of the most fascinating and enigmatic characters in HP is a man with many names. Voldemort, He-who-must-not-be-named, Tom Marvolo Riddle, the Dark Lord and You-know-who, to mention some. “Where did he come from? Who is he? Why is he evil? Will he die at the end?” are some of the questions that we readers ask ourselves. In this article, I’ll attempt an analysis of our favourite arch-villain.

The Lost Marauder

by Danielle At the beginning, there were four Marauders, led by two inseparable friends: James, Sirius, Remus and Peter, a.k.a. Prongs, Padfoot, Moony and Wormtail. Peter Pettigrew: We know that he attended Hogwarts with...

The North Tower #17: The Pensieve (1)

The North Tower #17: The Pensieve (1)

So far, the Pensieve has appeared seven times in the series: five times in GoF and two times in OotP. These seven appearances can be divided into three different groups: 1) Harry looking into the Pensieve without entering it (1 occurrence), 2) A figure forming and coming out of the Pensieve (2 occurrences), and 3) Harry being inside the Pensieve (4 occurrences, or actually 2 occurrences but 4 different scenes). I will deal with each type of appearance first on a general plan and then more in depth on each scene (which will probably be next week).

The North Tower #12: Trashing a Theory

Last week I set up an exercise in literary analysis and critical thinking for you all by giving you a theory that – frankly – was total rubbish. This week’s article will thus be devoted to trashing my “wonderful” theory from last week, and I thought I’d do it by mixing my comments and arguments with those that some smart people sent me.