161 Search results

For the term "Occlumency".
Crazy Caption Contest Main Image

CC #161: Week of December 4, 2005

In this week’s Caption Contest image, Barty Crouch Sr. reacts to news from Dumbledore. Read all of the winning captions for this week’s contest now!

The Burrow: Parallel Circumstances

by Alex Nelson A part of what makes the Harry Potter series so wonderful is not just the growth and development of the main character, but of the surrounding characters as well. Throughout each...

Black, Albus…Rubeus?

Black, Albus…Rubeus?

by Lady Lupin Alchemy and the Harry Potter series are so deeply intertwined that new insights on the theme float around cyberspace on an almost daily basis. Many writers before me have highlighted pertinent...

Crazy Caption Contest Main Image

CC #157: Week of October 30, 2005

In this week’s Caption Contest image, Moody, Snape, Karkaroff, McGonagall, Dumbledore, Madame Maxime and Barty Crouch, Sr. stare at Harry in the Trophy Room. Read all of the winning captions for this week’s contest now!

Harry’s Temptation

by Christina Ford JK Rowling is on record as saying that her religious faith is the key to understanding what will happen in the Harry Potter series (Max Wyman in The Vancouver Sun, 26/10/2000). In another interview,...

The North Tower #42: A New Light on the Prophecy

Today’s article is going to take a closer look on the Trelawney prophecy, or, more precisely, on the circumstances surrounding that prophecy and what they tell us.

First thing to note: What Dumbledore told Harry in OotP and HBP doesn’t tally with what else we discover in HBP. At all.