161 Search results

For the term "Occlumency".

The Potions Riddle and the DADAs

by Rams Reading Daniela Teo’s detailed editorials on the significance of the seven tasks in PS/SS (The Seven Tasks and The Seven Tasks Revisited) and an excellent essay in the Harry Potter Lexicon by Prefect Marcus, The...

The North Tower #36: Severus Snape 2: Losing Control

Hi everybody. Hope your holidays were nice. I thought I’d cut right to the chase and start with today’s article, which will continue my analysis of one Hogwarts Potions master. As I said in NT 34, there’s a lot to this character, so I’ll be writing a little series of articles about him. That’s the plan, but there might be some insertions (like the last one on Dumbledore) because of reader reactions as well.

The Body Thief Curse

by The Pirate King Greetings, fellow Harry Potter geeks! Welcome to yet another crackpot theory regarding the yet-to-be-revealed mysteries of the Harry Potter series of books, in which I prove to the world that I...

Close-up on the spines of Harry Potter books

The Two-Way Mirror #10: The Triwizard Tasks and the Seven Books

Seven tunnels of tasks, like seven books of tasks. In “Goblet”, we actually have a network of tunnels, the square maze, so much like a chessboard of tasks. And we have the two grand tournaments (like the two matrix groups of elements): one tournament is Quidditch (in which the players seem to be the most important part); the other is the Triwizard Tournament (here, the tasks are important).

The Long Reach of Dumbledore

by Angela Goff We all know JKR is a master of details. Her intricately connected plots keep readers enthralled and, no doubt, make script-writers gnash their teeth when trying to adapt them for movies....


by Jennifer Oakley In CoS we first see how Voldemort’s name was fashioned from Tom Riddle’s but I don’t believe we’ve paid enough attention to the significance of this chosen name. I’m not talking...