368 Search results

For the term "TriWizard Tournament".

Hagrid, Keeper of the Keys and More?

by Chantal Perez There is something that has been mystifying me since I read OotP last year. Everyone remembers the encounter between Dumbledore and Voldemort at the ministry. Dumbledore is known as the only...

Percy’s Perspective

by Joshua Bradshaw Editor’s Note: This is an older editorial, but it deserves to be featured anyway. The recent activities of one Percy Weasley have been the source of a great deal of debate...

The North Tower #24: The Changeling Hypothesis (2): The Chamber of Secrets

Today, I thought I’d continue to comment the Changeling Hypothesis, which I started on last week. I’ve received loads of owls on the subject, and most point out the same things; so I thought I’d start with that the most common questions.

1) “JKR said in an interview that Harry isn’t related to Voldemort, so you saying that he’s in a way the heir of Slytherin can’t be true.”

The North Tower #23: The Changeling Hypothesis

There is this extremely interesting site called Red Hen Publications that I’ve been visiting quite a bit lately. Today, I thought I’d comment one of the theories there, called the “Changeling Hypothesis,” because 1) I find it fascinating and 2) it gives another perspective on the whole Harry-Voldemort issue which I wrote about in NT 19.

The North Tower #22: Die, Ron, Die!

Now, let’s go on with today’s article: Why Ron is probably gonna get the axe before it’s all over.

Let’s start with killing off one myth: the Ollivander’s anagram. Sure, it spells out “Ronald lives” if rearranged. It also spells out “Ronald’s evil” though, so I don’t think that’s any guarantee our little redhead is going to make it through…

The North Tower #21: Who Is You-Know-Who?

One of the most fascinating and enigmatic characters in HP is a man with many names. Voldemort, He-who-must-not-be-named, Tom Marvolo Riddle, the Dark Lord and You-know-who, to mention some. “Where did he come from? Who is he? Why is he evil? Will he die at the end?” are some of the questions that we readers ask ourselves. In this article, I’ll attempt an analysis of our favourite arch-villain.

The Burrow: Is Percy Bewitched?

by Robbie Fischer Editor’s note: We realize that JKR recently said that Percy was acting of his own accord. However, this was written well before anything was known for certain. Plus, it’s just fun...

Crazy Caption Contest Main Image

CC #072: Week of February 29, 2004

In this week’s Caption Contest image, Captain Jack Sparrow wakes up in an unfamiliar place: Hogwarts. This is a special Maniacal Month caption image! Read all of the winning captions for this week’s contest now!