1021 Search results

For the term "Umbridge".

Is Dolores Umbridge the Most Evil Character of All?

Dolores Jane Umbridge, known for her shockingly pink wardrobe, obsession with fluffy animals, and love of all things sugary and sweet, is considered to be one of the most hated characters in all of fiction. Despite her seemingly harmless appearance, many Harry Potter fans consider her to be more unlikable than Bellatrix Lestrange and even the Dark Lord himself. Why is it that a woman with no clear criminal history (during the duration of the books, that is) and no direct affiliation with the Death Eaters is so despised?

Imelda Staunton as Dolores Umbridge

Dolores Umbridge

Not all great female villains are the same, but this song just may work for two of the best (worst?) ones out there.

New photo of Umbridge and Harry in OOTP

New photo of Umbridge and Harry in OOTP

Warner Brothers has passed along this new photo of Harry and Umbridge together in her office. Visitors may remember that yesterday Newsweek posted a small interview with the actress who plays Umbridge, Imelda Staunton.