294 Search results

For the term "harry potter alliance".
Wizards and Muggles Rock for Social Justice!

Wizards and Muggles Rock for Social Justice!

Volume Two of the charity compilation Wizards and Muggles Rock for Social Justice is now on iTunes! Many contributors are wizard rock bands, and even the muggle bands have wizarding members! Proceeds from the...

Associated Press Wizard Rock Article

Associated Press Wizard Rock Article

The Associated Press released a story today about Wizard Rock! Titled “Harry Potter devotees put wizard tales to music,” the article details the Wizard Rock phenomenon, pointing out the distinct fashion, the library shows,...

Wizard Rock the Vote!

Wizard Rock the Vote!

Last month at Wrockstock 2008 (the weekend-long Wizard Rock festival), Andrew Slack of the Harry Potter Alliance announced a brand new project that has now been officially launched: Wizard Rock the Vote! The HPA...

Wizard Rock EP of the Month Club 2008

Wizard Rock EP of the Month Club 2008

With stupendous reviews from wizard rock fans and bands alike, Joe and Paul DeGeorge of Harry and the Potters have announced that they plan to continue the Wizard Rock EP of the Month Club...

HPA speaks out for media reform

HPA speaks out for media reform

The Harry Potter Alliance, well-known for its campaign against the situation in Darfur, is now speaking out in favor of media reform. Their website notes “the Harry Potter series presents a world where media...