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Crazy Caption Contest Main Image

CC #208: Week of March 4, 2007

In this week’s Caption Contest image, Harry, Ron and Hermione discover the Power of 3 with the Hallowell sisters. This is a special Maniacal Month caption image! Read all of the winning captions for this week’s contest now!

Who But McGonagall?

by Asher Dostoevsky There must be a spy. J.K. Rowling has structured a very real war that mirrors reality to the letter. Good and evil, battles and warriors, jail breaks, messages intercepted, forging difficult alliances,...

The Burrow: Draco’s Weakness

by Rebecca W. Draco Malfoy. What would we ever do without Harry Potter’s slimy grease-ball of an archenemy? Our favorite blond-haired creep has caused us to laugh – and twitch with hate – throughout...

The Tasks Pattern

by Sylvia Our favorite author seems to have established a series of patterns in the way she has written her story. By pattern, I mean an unwritten set of rules that JKR has followed,...