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For the term "ministry of magic".

The Burrow: Ministry Mysteries

by Damon The Ministry of Magic is fast becoming my favorite subject to discuss when we turn to Harry Potter in my group of friends. That’s why I am glad to have an excuse...

The Magic Quill #43: Trussed, Mussed, and Imperiussed

Spanky’s tale continued:

“After they extracted me from the Pensieve, Orel and Eustace roughed me up a good bit. I had been feeling almost sorry for them until then, especially as Orel was so sure that You-Know-Who was going to fry him. But they were, after all, a couple of pure-blood twerps–no offence, Harvey, old man–who enjoyed nothing better than stomping on a half-blood upstart who had, besides, made their bosom friend Shmedly look bad at the Owlympics.

The Magic Quill #36: Forward and Back

With a loud pop, Harvey disapparated.

“Hang on,” cried Sadie, puffing out a cloud of acrid smoke. “You never told us anything about those things Rigel bought. Did he use them all on the way into Gringotts, or did they come in handy getting through the maze?”

“Yes,” said Merlin.

The Magic Quill #18: The Double Barreled Wizard, Part 5

Spanky found Sadie at dusk, standing in the street outside the Hog’s Head, ringing a handbell loudly and already wearing her broom-veil. Enough of the veil was pushed aside by the pipe clenched in Sadie’s teeth that Spanky could glimpse the forest of pale stubble on the witch’s chin. Between every series of four or five rings, Sadie bellowed in a hoarse, coarse voice: