597 Search results

For the term "star wars".

Harry Potter and the Third Reich

Written by Caroline We all know how much J.K. Rowling loves to put hidden meanings behind pretty much everything she writes – from the names of spells (Avada Kedavra for one) to people’s names...

Crazy Caption Contest Main Image

CC #185: Week of May 21, 2006

In this week’s Caption Contest image, Robert Langdon and his associate search the halls of Hogwarts. This is a special Maniacal Month caption image! Read all of the winning captions for this week’s contest now!

The Potter Code

by Darynthe Editor’s note: Though one part of this editorial warrants its placement on Madam Puddifoot’s delicious menu, it was placed here due to a majority of non-romantic ingredients. Enjoy! “The Holy Grail is arguably...

Harry Potter and Leadership

by Emily Taylor The other day one of my professors presented to the class an interesting list of quotes by Charles H. Malik. The purpose of this presentation was to inspire within each of...

The Fallen

by End the Cold Theories abound in the world of Harry Potter. We all know this, and we love it. Even if we don’’t like one another’’s theories, we create our own and abide...