185 Search results

For the term "tattoo".

The Magic Quill #149: The Fruit Troll

by Robbie Fischer Contest Winner: Quercitron Runner-Up: TWZRD Spanky gasped as his broom approached the grounds of Mangeford Manor. He was so staggered that he missed his footing and landed face-first in a pile...

Harry Potter and the Third Reich

Written by Caroline We all know how much J.K. Rowling loves to put hidden meanings behind pretty much everything she writes – from the names of spells (Avada Kedavra for one) to people’s names...

Crazy Caption Contest Main Image

CC #219: Week of May 27, 2007

In this week’s Caption Contest image, Ron and Hermione train with Luke Skywalker on the Millennium Falcon. This is a special Maniacal Month caption image! Read all of the winning captions for this week’s contest now!

The Magic Quill #118: Laughing Matter

by Robbie Fischer Contest winner: rory86 PARAPHYSICIST ATTENDS WEDDING IN HOGSMEADE Part 5 in a 7-part Special Report Bo Dwyer, our top correspondent, continues the report of his week following Professor Algernon Swerve, the...

Crazy Caption Contest Main Image

CC #214: Week of April 17, 2007

In this week’s Caption Contest image, Sirius Black and Harry discuss his forthcoming fifth year at Hogwarts. Read all of the winning captions for this week’s contest now!

Scholastic unveils marketing campaign for DH

Scholastic unveils marketing campaign for DH

Early this morning, Scholastic announced “There Will Soon Be 7,” a multi-million dollar marketing campaign for the seventh and final book. Deathly Hallows will hit shelves on July 21st, with a record-breaking print run...

Crazy Caption Contest Main Image

CC #196: Week of December 24, 2006

In this week’s Caption Contest image, Professor Quirrell is pleased to meet Harry Potter. Read all of the winning captions for this week’s contest now!