185 Search results

For the term "tattoo".

The Magic Quill #108: The Final Causeway

Merlin paused to drain a smoking goblet before continuing with his tale. The others in the small parlor waited restlessly: one wearing a veil, one a fake mustache and glasses, another’s face concealed by the hood of his cloak, still another’s by a handkerchief, and the last disguised as a shapely young woman, though a shadow of a beard was starting to show on his face.

The Magic Quill #98: Essence of Merlin

Tip shivered. He wasn’t sure whether this was a result of the cold draft that blew through the cracks in the wall, or of the billywig withdrawal. Huddled in the dim light that came through a small, grimy window high in the wall, he looked around.

The Magic Quill #92: The Last Recruit

The new headmistress sat in the back of the classroom, seemingly absorbed in the Journal of Early Wizardry Development, Vol. 937, No. 6, while the brand new Defensive Magic teacher carried on with his lecture. She sighed as she listened, reminding herself once again that no one would have expected it easy to introduce the new curriculum at Durmstrang.

The Liberating Power of Harry’s Blood

by Donna G. Ramos (aka The Black Adder) Ever since Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter fans have tried to explain why there was a “fleeting gleam of something like triumph in Dumbledore’’s eyes” when the...

The Magic Quill #90: Grim Prospekt

Sadie had all but given up finding the Wizard Quarter of the city, not to mention Anatoly’s shop. But then a careening taxi forced her to flatten herself against a wall – and instead of meeting the wall’s resistance, she went straight through it as if through a bead curtain.

The Magic Quill #82: The Catfish Burglar, Part Two

““After I fought off all the grindylows,” Sadie went on with her tale, “I swam further upstream with my powerful, tireless stroke. I had to squeeze through a tight gap in a network of curses strung across the fjord. Then, wearing dragon-hide gloves to protect my skin from the hallucinogenic algae, I pushed myself along…”

Actually, what happened was this:

Crazy Caption Contest Main Image

CC #162: Week of December 11, 2005

In this week’s Caption Contest image, Draco Malfoy is impressed by Viktor Krum. Read all of the winning captions for this week’s contest now!