Tagged: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Last night, the UK MuggleNet team braved the terrible British weather to attend the opening night of MinaLima’s exhibition “The Graphic Art of the Harry Potter Films”. The gallery was crammed full of Potterheads...
Want to win a free copy of the new “Harry Potter” deluxe illustrated edition? Find out how!
Illustrator Jim Kay’s model for Harry Potter in the illustrated edition of “Sorcerer’s Stone” has been revealed! Find out more about him here!
Do you want to be a Harry Potter Spotter? Bloomsbury is launching a special sort of competition for UK-based “Harry Potter” fans.
If we were excited on Friday when we saw Jim Kay’s Professor McGonagall and the Great Hall for the first time, by now we’re practically OVERCOME with anticipation of the illustrated edition’s release this Tuesday. Although it seems almost impossible to wait another minute, we can try to fend off desperation by reading several new interviews with artist Jim Kay – AND finally seeing how he has rendered Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore.
In celebration of that famous declaration that took place on this very day 24 years ago, here’s to all those moments when being a wizard would have come in handy.
Cheers to Hedwig! Commemorating a fallen friend and heroine that many of us can relate to.
On this day in history, Harry Potter’s first letter from Hogwarts arrived. I’m almost 30 and still waiting for mine, but I might not need it quite as much as I used to.
We all know about the best moments in “Harry Potter”, but what about the worst? Lets take a look the worst moments of five characters in “Sorcerer’s Stone”.