Tagged: Luna Lovegood
Mistake in Identity
Dear Ms. Lovegood,
For many years, all of my close friends have thought me insane for one simple reason. I believe that not many people understand me, so I have created a world inside my head where people do understand me, and they don’t judge me. I made the mistake of telling my friends this, and now, as said, they all believe I’m insane. Am I insane? Or is what I’m doing completely normal, and my friends don’t understand it?
Nargles in Muggle World
Dear Miss Lovegood,
I have been doing some reading on nargles, and I was hoping to ask you a question about your personal experiences with them. Did you find that they were more common and to be found in heavier concentrations near Hogwarts? Were the number of nargles less overall in the Muggle world?
Lonely Hufflepuff
Dear Miss Lovegood,
I am going into my third year at Hogwarts as a proud Hufflepuff. The problem is I have only 2 or 3 close friends. I try hard to be friends with everyone, but nothing I do works. Is there any advice you can give me?
True Happiness
Dear Miss Lovegood,
What is the secret to true happiness? How do I find it? Where is it located?
A Shy Hufflepuff
Dear Luna,
Hi Luna, I was wondering, how do you manage to be so amazing and brave? You’re always yourself, no matter how much people tease you. How can you do it?