Tagged: Ministry of Magic
The “Harry Potter” books are filled with allegories on racism and politics. This second article in a two-part series discusses how “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” has been invaluable in inspiring an entire generation of readers to be politically engaged and stand up against injustice.
J.K. Rowling reflected how many of us felt when she said, “Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.” We’ve all wished the universe she created were real. However, is a life in the wizarding world all it’s cracked up to be?
Despite being isolated from the Muggle world and not having access to many forms of credible, alternative media sources, the wizarding world’s gullibility when it comes to the “Daily Prophet” is so frustrating.
Between the all corruption, greed, and evil, who was actually the best Minister of Magic?
Do our memories deceive us? In the wizarding world, where Legilimens exist, do citizens have a right to privacy? This article discusses the unreliability of Veritaserum as a truth serum and compares its limitations to polygraphs.
In this article, I consider whether J.K. Rowling’s portrayal of the Ministry of Magic can be taken as a cautionary tale of what can happen when a society values fear over love.
The votes are in!! Who is our new Minister of Magic?!
Read Gina Fischer’s report on the public speech of Reggie Stump, a Minister of Magic candidate! Learn what she wants to do for the Ministry and why she’s so passionate about our children’s educations.
The Ministry of Magic elections get closer every day! Here’s what Bianca Blishwick has to say on small business, Azkaban, and Muggle relations.