Tagged: Remus Lupin

Remus Returning

Dear Professor Lupin,

Did you know that you were the coolest Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher that Hogwarts has had in such a long time ? I think your lessons were breathtaking! If there was a chance, would you come back and teach again ? We miss the excitement of actually wanting to go to class.

Formulating Love in “Harry Potter”

Psychologist Robert Sternberg is famous for formulating the Triangular Theory of Love. It states that “the three components of love are an intimacy component, a passion component, and a decision/commitment component.” Essentially, in this formula there are three factors in a successful romantic relationship, each equally important.

Forming an Animagus

Dear Professor Lupin,

I wonder how you transform into an Animagus. Does it hurt? Tell me everything that is worthy to know about Animagi because I really want to do it. Do you have any tips?

Alarm Clock Boggart

Dear Professor Lupin, I was wondering if you could tell me a few tips on facing Boggarts. My Boggart takes the shape of an alarm clock that slowly ticks, and I am having trouble making that ‘funny’ enough.

Playing Favorites

Dear Professor Lupin, Who would be your favorite student apart from Harry Potter?

Dating Between Houses

Dear Professor Lupin, I am a Slytherin, and proud, as are the rest of my family and friends. However, every boy I like happens to be a Gryffindor. I know my family and friends will hate me if I go out with a Gryffindor. What do I do?

Your Wolf Patronus?

Dear Professor Lupin,

I was wondering what your Patronus is, considering you taught Harry how to conjure his own. I’ve heard rumors that it’s a simple wolf, but I don’t believe that’s true, considering seeing a wolf would bring about unhappy thoughts and possibly weaken your patronus.

Weary Wand Waver

Dear Professor Lupin,

I often find that my wand arm grows tired after practicing magic. Is there something wrong with my wand, or is it just me? What should I do?