Tagged: #RosmertasRecipes

Love Potion

Love potions cause the drinker to fall in love with the person who gave them the potion. However, true love cannot be replicated by these potions. Try your hand at potion-making, with the help of this recipe from Alison.

Pumpkin Juice by Eric

Over the many years, we, the many “Potter” fans around the world, have been itching to drink a tall glass of pumpkin juice.

Deathly Hallows Shortbread Cookies

Next time you attend a “Potter” party or decide to sit at home and watch a “Harry Potter” movie, be sure to make these delicious shortbread cookies.

Fever Fudge

Inspired by the inventions of the Weasley twins in the “Harry Potter” books, these two-sided confections are the perfect blend of hot and cool.