Tagged: #RosmertasRecipes

Padfoot Cupcakes

These Padfoot Cupcakes would be a perfect addition to any “Prisoner of Azkaban”-themed party.

A picture of fish stew. Photo from Unsplash.

Bouillabaisse Soup

During the Welcoming Feast in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,” Fleur Delacour comes over to the Gryffindor table to take this hearty dish.

Spotted Dick

Spotted dick is a pudding-type dessert often served with custard such as a creme anglais.

Treacle Fudge

This treacle treat comes from Dinah Bucholz, author of “The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook.”

English Muffins

It’s so much fun to roast food over a fire, it hardly matters if it’s s’mores or English muffins. During the Christmas holidays, Harry and Ron sit in front of the fireplace in the cozy Gryffindor common room, roasting everything from marshmallows to muffins.