Tagged: #RosmertasRecipes
Cockroach Clusters
These might sound a bit too creepy-crawly for some, but they’re made up of crowd-pleasing ingredients like pecans, chocolate, and marshmallows.
Hot Chocolate
There’s nothing more comforting than curling up with a cup of rich hot chocolate during a cold winter day.
Fiery Whiskey
This recipe for a spicy whiskey shot is sure to have you and your friends feeling the burn, thanks to the hit of Tabasco.
Dumbledore’s Lemon Drop and Honey Cocktail
When you combine Dumbledore’s name and his favorite sweet this is the resulting drink.
Ginny and Tonks-nic
Inspired by two powerful witches, this drink is beautiful, but can also be quite strong!
Weasleys’ Wildfire Whizbangs
Firey and unpredictable like our favorite twins (and their sister too), this drink is sure to make fireworks on your tongue.